Prehnite with Epidote Spheres


Pretty Prehnite with Epidote Spheres.

Known as the stone of prophecy, Prehnite has long been used by shamans and spiritual workers. It boosts prophetic abilities and is a good stone to use when working with tarot or crystal balls. Prehnite enhances visualization and spiritual knowing and aids in connecting with higher realms, including your higher self well as spiritual and extra-terrestrial beings. Lucid dreaming is induced by Prehnite while dreams are made easier to remember nightmares reduced.

SKU: N/A Category:


Chakra: Heart, Third Eye.

Zodiac: Libra, Virgo.

Element: Earth, Water.

Affirmation: I am healed, calm and protected.

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A -42mm, B – 45.5mm, C – 49mm, D – 48.5m, E – 49mm


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