Garden Quartz Tumbles


Beautiful Lodite filled tumbles. Hand picked intuitively to choose the best one for you.

Garden Quartz is a wonderful stone to use for manifesting as it responds very well to programming. Simply send your positive intentions for a better life telepathically into this crystal, and it will accompany you on your quest to achieve the best outcomes possible in every situation. It is a deep grounding healing crystal to release negativity and to cultivate a happier mindset. It helps you improve your communication skills and nourish your relationship with love and affection. Plus, It will guide you to establish a new clear path to manifest your desires. Garden Quartz is a fantastic included quartz crystal that radiates the energies of creativity and happiness. This crystal facilitates deep emotional healing, encourages you to pursue your dreams, and rejuvenates your mind, body, and soul.

The energy transmitted by this crystal will encourage you to nurture your creative mind and explore brand new and exciting ideas. It will inspire you to reveal the inner dreamer that was always within you, guides you to explore new promising horizons, and motivates you to pursue your goals.

Size: 30-45mm

15 in stock



Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus.

Element: Fire

Zodiac: Aquarius

Affirmation: I let go of past hurt and allow myself to heal.


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